Submissions from 2024
Putting the Bar to the Test: An Examination of the Predictive Validity of Bar Exam Outcomes on Lawyering Effectiveness, Jason M. Scott, Stephen N. Goggin, Rick Trachok, Jenny S. Kwon, Sara Gordon, Dean Gould, Fletcher S. Hiigel, Leah Chan Grinvald, and David Faigman
Submissions from 2023
Enhancing the Validity and Fairness of Lawyer Licensing: Empirical Evidence Supporting Innovative Pathways, Deborah Jones Merritt, Andrea Anne Curcio, and Eileen Kaufman
Investigating the Benefits of Live Remote Proctoring, State Bar of California
Submissions from 2021
How Should We License Lawyers?, Cassandra Burke Robertson
Submissions from 2020
Diploma Privilege and the Constitution, Claudia Angelos, Sara J. Berman, Mary Lu Bilek, and Carol L. Chomsky
Secure Online High Stakes Testing: A Serious Alternative as Legal Education Moves Online, Sara J. Berman, Gregory J. Brandes, Megan M. Carpenter, and Andrew L. Strauss
Building a Better Bar: The Twelve Building Blocks of Minimum Competence, Deborah Jones Merritt and Logan Cornett
Examining the California Cut Score: An Empirical Analysis of Minimum Competency, Public Protection, Disparate Impact, and National Standards, Mitchel L. Winick, Victor D. Quintanilla, Sam Erman, Christina Chong-Nakatsuchi, and Michael Frisby
A Five-Year Retroactive Analysis of Cut Score Impact: California’s Proposed Supervised Provisional License Program, Mitchel Winick, Victor D. Quintanilla, Sam Erman, Christina Chong-Nakatsuchi, and Michael Frisby
Submissions from 2019
Building a Better Bar Exam, Marsha Griggs
What Law Must Lawyers Know?, Joan W. Howarth
Ringing Changes: Systems Thinking About Legal Licensing, Joan W. Howarth and Judith Welch Wegner
A Rebuttal to Kinsler's and to Anderson and Muller's Studies on the Purported Relationship between Bar Passage Rates and Attorney Discipline, William Wesley Patton
Submissions from 2018
Test Validity: Faster is Not Necessarily Better, Ruth Colker
How to Build a Better Bar Exam, Andrea A. Curcio, Carol L. Chomsky, and Eileen Kaufman
Submissions from 2017
The High Cost of Lowering the Bar, Robert Anderson IV and Derek T. Muller
The Case for a Uniform Cut Score, Joan W. Howarth
Testing Basics: What You Cannot Afford Not to Know, Joanne E. Kane and Andrew A. Mroch
Is Bar Exam Failure a Harbinger of Professional Discipline?, Jeffrey S. Kinsler
Bar Exam Scores and Lawyer Discipline, Deborah J. Merritt
Validity, Competence, and the Bar Exam, Deborah Jones Merritt
"They're Digging in the Wrong Place": How Learning Outcomes Can Improve Bar Exams and Ensure Practice Ready Attorneys, Debra Moss Vollweiler
Submissions from 2015
Speed (Not the Drug, and It Does Not Kill, But It Can Cause Stress), Mark A. Albanese
Ahead of the Curve: Turning Law Students into Lawyers, Alli Gerkman, Elena Harman, Lloyd Bond, and William M. Sullivan
Why the Bar Examination Fails to Raise the Bar, Carol Goforth
Equating the MBE, Michael T. Kane and Andrew Mroch
Submissions from 2014
Improving the Performance of the Performance Test: The Key to Meaningful Bar Exam Reform, Ben Bratman
"Practice Ready Graduates": A Millennialist Fantasy, Robert J. Condlin
Submissions from 2012
The Roosevelt-Cardozo Way: The Case for Bar Eligibility After Two Years of Law School, Samuel Estreicher
Submissions from 2011
Mapping Lawyer Competencies Onto the Law School Curriculum to Confirm that Graduates are Prepared for Law Practice, Nelson P. Miller
Submissions from 2010
Marooned: An Empirical Investigation of Law School Graduates Who Fail the Bar Exam, Jane Yakowitz
Submissions from 2008
Unpacking the Bar: Of Cut Scores, Competence and Crucibles, Gary S. Rosin
Submissions from 2007
The Relationship Between Law School and the Bar Exam: A Look at Assessment and Student Success, Lorenzo Alan Trujillo
Submissions from 2004
A Forked River Runs Through Law School: Toward Understanding Race, Gender, Age, and Related Gaps in Law School Performance and Bar Passage, Timothy T. Clydesdale
Standardized Clients: A Possible Improvement for the Bar Exam, Lawrence M. Grosberg
The LSAT, Law School Exams, and Meritocracy: The Surprising and Undertheorized Role of Test-Taking Speed, William D. Henderson
The Bar Examination and the Dream Deferred: A Critical Analysis of the MBE, Social Closure, and Racial and Ethnic Stratification, William C. Kidder
Students with "CLAS": An Alternative to Traditional Bar Examinations, Sally Simpson and Toni M. Massaro
Submissions from 2003
Incremental Bar Admission: Lessons from the Medical Profession, Jayne W. Barnard and Mark Greenspan
Thinking Out of the Bar Exam Box: A Proposal to "MacCrate" Entry to the Profession, Kristin Booth Glen
Submissions from 2002
A Better Bar: Why and How the Existing Bar Exam Should Change, Andrea A. Curcio
When and Where We Enter: Rethinking Admission to the Legal Profession, Kristin Booth Glen
Submissions from 2001
Raising the Bar: A Social Science Critique of Recent Increases to Passing Scores on the Bar Exam, Deborah Jones Merritt, Lowell L. Hargens, and Barbara F. Reskin
Submissions from 1996
Guests in Another's House: An Analysis of Racially Disparate Bar Performance, Cecil J. Hunt II