Law School Admissions



Submissions from 2024


The Imperative to Promote Diversity Post-Students for Fair Admissions: Analyzing the Effects of Student-Body Diversity on Attrition, GPA, and Bar Passage in Law Students and Graduates, Jason M. Scott, Paige Wilson, Tiffane Cochran, and Andrea M. Pals


Measuring 'Up': The Promise of Undergraduate GPA Growth in Law School Admissions, Jason Scott, Andrea Pals, and Paige Wilson

Submissions from 2023


New Avenues for Diversity After Students for Fair Admissions, Richard D. Kahlenberg


The Legacy and Opportunity of Affirmative Action, Jackie O'Neil

Submissions from 2022


Show Them the Money: Improving Consumer Information on Need and Merit-Based Gift Aid to Equitably Empower Prospective Law Students, Domonique Edwards, Kelsey Risman, and Tiffane Cochran


"More than the Numbers": Empirical Evidence of an Innovative Approach to Admissions, Anahid Gharakhanian, Natalie Rodriguez, and Elizabeth A. Anderson


An Access and Equity Ranking of Public Law Schools, Christopher L. Mathis

Submissions from 2021


Racial and Ethnic Ancestry of the Nation's Black Law Students: An Analysis of Data from the LSSSE Survey, Kevin D. Brown and Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt


Analyzing Pathways to the J.D. with National Student Clearinghouse Data, Tiffane Cochran and Lauren Walker


JD-Next: A Valid and Reliable Tool to Predict Diverse Students’ Success in Law School, Jessica Findley, Adriana Cimetta, Heidi Legg Burross, Katherine C. Cheng, Matt Charles, Cayley Balser, Ran Li, and Christopher Robertson


The Effect of the Uniform Bar Examination on Admissions, Diversity, Affordability, and Employment across Law Schools in the United States, Manuel S. González Canché, Taylor K. Odle, and Ji Yeon Bae


Professors Cure, Academic Support Cares: The Potential Role of Academic Support in Increasing Graduation Rates at Law Schools at Historically Black College and Universities, Reem Haikal


Affirmative Action and the Leadership Pipeline, Joni Hersch


Reducing Debt and Increasing Access to the Profession: An Empirical Study of Graduate Debt at U.S. Law Schools, Scott F. Norberg and Stephanie J. Garcia

Submissions from 2020


Roadmap to Enrolling Diverse Law School Classes, Volume 4: Contextualizing Admission Factors, AccessLex Institute


Who's Going to Law School? Trends in Law School Enrollment Since the Great Recession, Miranda Li, Phillip Yao, and Goodwin Liu

Submissions from 2019


Examining Graduate Lending: Access vs. Private Lending, AccessLex Institute


The LSAT and the Reproduction of Hierarchy, Diane Curtis


The Aid Gap, Chris Gunthrie and Emily Lamm


Less Talk, More Action: How Law Schools Can Counteract Racial Bias of LSAT Scores in the Admissions Process, LaTasha Hill


More Transparency, Please, Kyle McEntee


Are Law Schools Engines of Inequality?, Richard H. Sander


The Marginalization of Black Aspiring Lawyers, Aaron N. Taylor

Submissions from 2018


Why Didn't Students Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? A Detailed Look, Steven Bahr, Dinah Sparks, and Kathleen Mulvaney Hoyer


A Way Forward: Transparency in 2018, Kyle McEntee and Iowa State Bar Association, Young Lawyers Division


Defining Access: How Test-Optional Works, Steven Syverson, Valerie W. Franks, and William C. Hiss


Robin Hood, In Reverse: How Law School Scholarships Compound Inequality, Aaron N. Taylor

Submissions from 2017


Scholarships at Risk: The Mathematics of Merit Stipulations in Financial Aid Awards, James Ming Chen


Mobility Report Cards: The Role of Colleges in Intergenerational Mobility, Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman, Emmanuel Saez, Nicholas Turner, and Danny Yagan


The Pell Grant Proxy: A Ubiquitous But Flawed Measure of Low Income Student Enrollment, Jason Delisle


Alternative Paths to Diversity: Exploring and Implementing Effective College Admissions Policies, Educational Testing Service, Gary Orfield, Stella M. Flores, Catherine L. Horn, William C. Kidder, Patricia Gándara, and Mark C. Long


Agreements to Improve Student Aid: An Antitrust Perspective, Deborah Jones Merritt and Andrew Lloyd Merritt


Assessing the Viability of Race-Neutral Alternatives in Law School Admissions, Eboni S. Nelson, Ronald Pitner, and Carla D. Pratt


Can Socioeconomic Status Substitute for Race in Affirmative Action College Admissions Policies? Evidence from a Simulation Model, Sean F. Reardon, Rachel Baker, Matt Kasman, Daniel Klasik, and Joseph B. Townsend


Law School-Administered Financial Aid: The Good News and the Bad News, William C. Whitford

Submissions from 2016


The Struggle for Access from Sweatt to Grutter: A History of African American, Latino, and American Indian Law School Admissions, 1950–2000, William C. Kidder

Submissions from 2015


The False Choice Between Race and Class and Other Affirmative Action Myths, Lisa R. Pruitt

Submissions from 2014


Still Hazy After All These Years: The Data and Theory Behind 'Mismatch', William C. Kidder and Angela Onwuachi-Willig

Submissions from 2013


Measuring Merit: The Shultz-Zedeck Research on Law School Admissions, Kristen Holmquist, Marjorie M. Shultz, Sheldon Zedeck, and David B. Oppenheimer


Reimagining Merit as Achievement, Aaron N. Taylor


Do Racial Preferences Affect Minority Learning in Law Schools?, Doug Williams

Submissions from 2012


Painting Beyond the Numbers: The Art of Providing Access in Law School Admissions to Ensure Full Representation in the Profession, Paula Lustbader

Submissions from 2011


Predicting Lawyer Effectiveness: Broadening the Basis for Law School Admissions Decisions, Marjorie M. Shultz and Sheldon Zedeck

Submissions from 2009


The Effects of Educational Diversity in a National Sample of Law Students: Fitting Multilevel Latent Variable Models in Data with Categorical Indicators, Nisha C. Gottfredson, A. T. Panter, Charles E. Daye, Walter F. Allen, and Linda F. Wightman


It Matters How and When You Ask: Self-Reported Race/Ethnicity of Incoming Law Students, A. T. Panter, Charles E. Daye, Walter R. Allen, Linda F. Wightman, and Meera E. Deo

Submissions from 2008


Racial and Ethnic Preferences in Admissions at the University of Nebraska College of Law, Althea K. Nagai


Cracking the Egg: Which Came First—Stigma or Affirmative Action?, Angela Onwuachi-Willig, Emily Houh, and Mary Campbell


Affirmative Action in Law School Admissions: What Do Racial Preferences Do?, Jesse Rothstein and Albert H. Yoon

Submissions from 2006


Educational Debt Burden and Career Choice: Evidence from a Financial Aid Experiment at NYU Law School, Erica M. Field


Misuse and Abuse of the LSAT: Making the Case for Alternative Evaluative Efforts and a Redefinition of Merit, Phoebe A. Haddon and Deborah W. Post


Retargeting Affirmative Action: A Program to Serve Those Most Harmed by Past Racism and Avoid Intractable Problems Triggered by Per Se Racial Preferences, Mark Nadel


Misuse of the Law School Admissions Test, Racial Discrimination, and the De Facto Quota System for Restricting African-American Access to the Legal Profession, John Nussbaumer


The Misuse of the LSAT: Discrimination Against Blacks and Other Minorities in Law School Admissions, Vernellia R. Randall

Submissions from 2003


Admissions Rituals as Political Acts: Guardians at the Gates of Our Democratic Ideals, Lani Guinier

Submissions from 2001


Does the LSAT Mirror or Magnify Racial and Ethnic Differences in Education Attainment: A Study of Equally Achieving Elite College Students, William C. Kidder

Submissions from 2000


Portia Denied: Unmasking Gender Bias on the LSAT and Its Relationship to Racial Diversity in Legal Education, William C. Kidder

Submissions from 1997


The Threat to Diversity in Legal Education: An Empirical Analysis of the Consequences of Abandoning Race as a Factor in Law School Admissions Decisions, Linda F. Wightman

Submissions from 1987


Black Enrollment in Law Schools: Forward to the Past?, Edward J. Littlejohn and Leonard J. Rubinowitz