"Financial Management Competency, Financial Resources, Locus of Control" by Aimee D. Prawitz and Judith Cohart


Financial Management Competency, Financial Resources, Locus of Control, and Financial Wellness

Document Type

Journal Article

Publication Date



psychological barriers, financial education, economic events


Guided by a proactive coping theory, this online, cross-sectional study examined whether income, savings, debt service-to-income ratio, reluctance to think about finances, locus of control, and financial management competency were related to financial wellness. Based on data from a United States sample (N = 1,039), results of hierarchical regressions indicated that financial management competency, internal locus of control, and savings were positively associated with financial wellness, explaining 43.5% of the variance. Results suggest that, rather than resources themselves, resource allocation and perceived usefulness of financial actions are most critical to financial wellness. Educators and practitioners can emphasize proactive coping through behavioral approaches to financial management that foster greater internal locus of control and financial wellness.
